Compliance Packaging

Compliance Packaging:

  • Organizes all your prescriptions, vitamins, and supplements all in one place.;
  • Clearly shows when each dose of medication should be taken;
  • Comes in a secure, easy to open package – no more struggling trying to open vials;
  • Gives you, or your caregiver, the confidence that medications are being taken as your doctor planned;
  • Offers greater security. If the package has been tampered with, you'll know right away;
  • By using a medication manager, you won't have to fumble around with several prescription vials – just punch out a single blister, and you're done;
  • Can't remember if you already took your dose? Check your medication manager to find out quickly;
  • Medication managers are easy to take with you.

The benefits are clear.

Pharmasave's Medication Manager® is a simple and convenient way to organize your medications at home.
Our unique blister packaging makes it easy for you to take your prescriptions, vitamins and supplements each day.

Did you know?

Many people, especially the elderly or those with multiple health conditions, must take a number of medications each day. In order to achieve the greatest benefit from what has been prescribed, these medications must be taken in the correct dose and at the correct times each day.